Oh my goodness I can't believe it! Today we had Ram Rally like we always do on Mondays...but today something special happened! Mr. Riggs, our principal, took the microphone and said
"We'd like to take this moment to announce that our 2009-2010 Teacher Of the Year is.......
Mrs. Smith!"
What a very happy moment for me! It is such an honor to be chosen by my colleagues.
Annette Sears, the teacher of the year from last year passed on a bouquet of balloons to me!
Later in the day the school PTO sent me a pretty bouquet of flowers!
Then tonight my dad brought dinner and my mom brought me more beautiful flowers!
I certainly feel like there are so many other teachers at my school who deserve this honor. I am so thankful that they are such amazing role models and friends. I am so thankful they share with me and allow me to learn from them. A girl couldn't dream of a better group of people to have around.
My students were the cutest. I got hugs all day long. I love First Grade and I love teaching.
5 months ago